Our energy assessors at Energy Rating Perth want to inform our clients about how simple changes around your home can help you can save on your electricity bills. These minor changes may seem trivial and you may not think twice after they are made, but just so you can see the savings you would be making, we have comprised a list of an average annual saving vs the recommended alterations:

Alteration Recommended Average Annual Saving
Seal air leaks $83-$166
Replace 5 bulbs with energy efficient models $75
Reduce water temperature $12-$60
Providing shade trees $35-$119
Install insulated storm windows $100-$274
Switching plugs at the wall off when not in use $100
Using a water efficient toilet $100
Install weather windows $42-$83
Fixing leaking taps $35
Turning off your computer $30
Insulate hot water pipes $8-$12
Insulate water heater tank $20-$45


So contact our friendly energy assessors today for more information on how you can make a difference to your environment!