Yearly Archives: 2017


Glazing, Window Assemblies and Thermal Performance

At Energy Rating Perth we always inform designers and our clients that the key factor for energy efficient glazing is the window size and correct orientation. A designer must be mindful to ensure the window sizes are not too large to allow unnecessary heat gain and neither too small to allow not enough heat gain

By |2018-09-26T16:43:20+08:00April 24th, 2017|Energy|0 Comments

Glazing Types and Window Treatments and Their Impact on Thermal Performance

While most energy assessors will quickly jump to the most obvious solution to improve the energy rating of your home, the energy assessors at Energy Rating Perth offer advice that includes several alternative solutions that can help achieve the same object at a lower cost. Several glass types and window Treatments can help improve your

By |2017-04-18T15:38:00+08:00April 23rd, 2017|Energy|0 Comments

What is the thermal bridging? How does it affect your energy star rating?

At Energy Rating Perth, we aim to educate our clients on small errors that may result in expensive exercises to correct them. Careless and poor construction methods can result in a phenomenon known as thermal bridging that may seem trivial but can have quite an impact on the thermal performance of your building.   Thermal

By |2017-04-18T15:33:51+08:00April 21st, 2017|Energy, Energy assessor|0 Comments

How to correct and prevent Air Infiltration and leakages:

On our Energy Rating website we have spoken numerous times about air infiltration and leakages and how to detect them. Our energy assessors at Energy Rating Perth are always urging our clients to not take air infiltration lightly and detect it early especially if you have just moved into a new home. Once it is

By |2018-09-26T16:45:05+08:00April 20th, 2017|Energy, Energy assessor|0 Comments

Apple’s Green Project!

Apple is one of the leading suppliers of technology in the world, everyone knows their name and their products. So if you imagine how big their company is worldwide, you can imagine their carbon footprint affecting our environment, right? Wrong. Apple is striving to use 100% renewable energy! They are creating new solar projects to

By |2017-04-18T15:08:31+08:00April 19th, 2017|Uncategorised|0 Comments

How to choose the best energy efficient appliances

Today at Energy Rating Perth, we are looking into how to choose the best energy saving appliance. Just because it’s better for the bank account, doesn’t mean it’s better for our environment and the electric bills. Over time, the cost to run an appliance may not be worth skimping on a few dollars when first

By |2017-04-24T09:33:35+08:00April 18th, 2017|Energy|0 Comments

Lightbulb Efficiency!

At Energy Rating Perth, our energy assessors give our clients simple tips on improving the energy efficiency of their home. Lighting generates 12% of your home electricity bills and up to 25% in the workplace. Since lighting accounts for a major portion of a home’s energy usage, one of the most obvious steps is to

By |2017-04-13T13:07:23+08:00April 16th, 2017|Uncategorised|0 Comments

The great debate of hand wash or dishwasher

The universal argument over using the automatic dishwasher versus hand washing dishes has been going on since the production of dishwashers. The energy assessors at Energy Rating Perth can provide a few answers: Studies over the years have shown that when used effectively and efficiently dishwashers can actually use almost a third less water than

By |2017-04-13T13:03:59+08:00April 15th, 2017|Uncategorised|0 Comments