What is a DTS Report?


At Energy Rating Perth, we offer a wide range of services for the assessment of the thermal performance of your building. We work closely with councils and understand the minimum Building Code of Australia (BCA) requirements for energy efficiency in Perth and have a perfect success rate for council approvals. Energy assessors at Energy Rating Perth can help you avoid errors in your design which are expensive to correct and time consuming before applying for your building permit.

Energy Rating Perth would like to inform their readers that a DTS (Deemed to Satisfy) Report is used for residential projects such as alterations and extensions, new dwellings, duplexes, townhouses, apartments etc. This energy report tallies the minimum requirements of the BCA for energy efficiency with your design by using a checklist and an associated BCA glazing calculator. Our energy assessors here at Energy Rating Perth will ensure the compliance with the minimum required star for your climate zone as required by the BCA.

Most of our clients at Energy Rating Perth feel this report is the least flexible as a DTS energy efficiency report merely demonstrates your buildings compliance with each of the relevant parts in the BCA Energy Efficiency Provisions. A DTS energy efficiency report does not provide an energy rating or any comprehensive information for improving the thermal performance of a building.

Since no star rating is achieved using this method you will never know if your development achieves better than the minimum 6-star rating. However, for small scale additions, alterations and new builds such as granny flats a DTS energy efficiency report is deemed appropriate for most council building permit approvals. At Energy Rating Perth, a DTS energy efficiency report provides a more efficient timeframe and is less expensive to conduct as compared to a star-rating software method. At Energy Rating Perth, our energy assessors can go beyond the minimum DTS requirements and may provide some basic guidelines on improving your thermal performance even if a traditional DTS energy efficiency report may not offer to do so.